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The 407 SW From Peugeot.

The Peugeot 407 SW is a large and family-friendly car made by Peugeot between 2003 and 2010. These days, it is – in many ways – a great option for people who are car shopping on a budget, but who still want a comfortable, modern, and sophisticated automobile that’s suited to the general chores and roles of everyday life.

While there are many other cars that can serve this role in one capacity or another, the Peugeot 407 SW is time-tested, tried-and-true, and delivers a reliable and high-end performance.

If you can get your hands on one of these cars, you’re unlikely to feel disappointed, and you are also unlikely to have any sudden and unpleasant mechanical catastrophes to deal with. The Peugeot 407 SW is also fairly straightforward for garages to work on, meaning the only issue you may have is needing a locksmith if you lose your keys.

Here’s a simple and straightforward review of the Peugeot 407 SW.

Plenty of storage space

With a spacious boot that can be easily expanded by lowering the back seats of the car, the Peugeot 407 SW is more than capable of managing the weekly trip to the grocery store, in addition to any number of assorted chores and errands that you are likely to have to deal with as a family.

The vehicle has, for example, more than enough room for luggage to be taken to the airport, not to mention kids’ school and sports bags, small appliances, camping equipment, and all manner of other things.

The interior of the car can comfortably fit a family of four – and can accommodate a family of five at a push, without much trouble and without undue discomfort.

Whether you are going about the assorted chores and errands of everyday life, or are heading off for a family road trip and are planning to be away for a number of days at a stretch, this car will get the job done with regards to storage space.

Outdated on-board computer and GPS (but decent phone support)

The Peugeot 407 SW has an on-board computer and GPS, but – unfortunately – these features are well and truly outdated as of this writing.

The GPS is liable to frequently let you down with its outdated maps and its lack of sophistication relative to newer models. Likewise, the screen display – while being accessible enough in terms of things like changing the music, or adjusting the temperature – is still quite visually unappealing.

One upside, however, is that the Peugeot 407 SW can make and receive calls directly provided you install a simcard in the car.

On balance, it would be a good idea to get your own third-party GPS to put on the dashboard if you end up purchasing this car.

General comfort and performance

The Peugeot 407SW is certainly a reasonably comfortable car – with seats that are unlikely to draw any complaints, in addition to enough interior space to allow for decent legroom.

The car also features air conditioning, decent suspension, and quality-of-life features such as front and rear window demisters for those chilly mornings.

Many second hand cars from this time period, and available in this price range, don’t necessarily do a good job when it comes to comfort. In this regard, the Peugeot 407 SW performs admirably.