Road Tests and Reviews.

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On the super Hot Honda Fireblade

I have the pleasure of riding the Honda CBR1000 Fireblade SP and will be doing a full review to be published in October. Watch this blog, and my social media for comments and images. Please have a look at the rest of my website too. Twitter and Instagram @jemweb. Pinterest Roadtestsandreviews. LinkedIn @jemweb. It would be great to get some feedback from readers. Thanks Jez

They say time flies when you are having fun. Well crikey the time I have had on the Fireblade has certainly whizzed past. No sooner was I collecting her from Honda UK, than I am planning a long route to take the Fireblade back. I want to spend as much time as I can with the bike before handing the key over. Full review will be on Intelligent Magazine website in October watch this space and @jemweb on Twitter for a link. You must have gathered I have really enjoyed riding the CBR1000SP. Enjoy the photos. Jez